Chapter/Unit-9th : Financial Management
[A] Meaning of Finance:-
Funds and investment needed for a new business
establishment, its conduction and expansion, are called finance.
[B] Meaning of Financial Management:-
Managing (receipt and use) of financial resources of business
is called financial management.
[C] Role/importance of financial management or
Function of Financial management/manager:-
1.Determination of Fixed Assets:- Total investment
in fixed assets and every separate fixed asset is determined, like land, building,
machine, plant, etc.
2. Determination of Current Assets:- Total
investment in current assets and every separate current asset is determined,
like cash, stock, debtors, receivables etc.
3. Determination of ratio of long-term and short-term
debts:- Out of total debts how much will be long-term debt and how much
will be short-term debt.
4.Determination of various sources for getting long-term finance & debt:-
How much finance will be obtained through equity shares,
preference shares, debentures, retained earnings, long-term bank loan.
[D] Types of Financial Decisions:-
[E] Meaning of Fixed Capital:- The capital
needed for purchasing of fixed assets, is called fixed capital. Fixed assets
are land, building, machine and furniture.
[F] Meaning of Working Capital:- The capital
needed for payment of daily expenses and creating current assets, is called working capital
Current assets are cash, stock, debtors, bills receivable.
[G]Importance/Need of Fixed Capital:-
(i)These decisions affect long-term profitability of business.
(ii) In these decision large amount of funds are invested.
(iii)Because of investment of large funds for long- term period, it creates high risk.
(iv)These decision are normally irreversible or
un-changeable decisions.
[H]Importance/Need of Working Capital:-
(i)Timely payment of daily expenses.
(ii)Timely payment
of current liabilities
(iii)Timely payment of credit purchase and getting cash discount.
(iv)Timely payment
of salary and wages to worker and employees.
[I]▼Factors affecting Dividend Decisions:-
Factor :-
Higher amount will be distributed as dividend to
equity shareholders.
Lower amount will be distributed as dividend to
equity shareholders.
1. Profit/Earning available.
If higher profits/earnings are available.
If lower profits/earnings are available.
2. Stability of earning/profits.
If profits/earnings are stable.
If profits/earnings are un-stable.
3.Growth targets/expectations
If business has no target/expectations for growth and
If business has
target/expectations for growth and expansion.
4.Cah Flow or availability
If sufficient/excess cash is available.
If in-sufficient/less cash is available.
5.Equity shareholders’ preference or liking.
If shareholders do not like retaining or re-investing of
the earning/profit.
If shareholders
like retaining/re-investing of the earning/profit.
6.Taxation policy/rate
If rate of tax is lower.
If rate of tax is higher.
7.Stock market reaction
If price of shares increase because of cash dividend.
If price of shares is not affected because of cash
8. Availability of finance.
If finance is easily available.
If finance is not easily available.
[J]▼Factors affecting Financing Decisions
[K]▼Factors affecting Long-Term Investment decisions
or Factors affecting requirement of fixed
Problem:-From which source finance should be obtained?-
Ans:- Answer depends on various factors like-
1.Cost of Getting finance:- On this basis retained earning
is best option.
2.Cost of using finance:- The option which has least
interest or dividend rate, should be chosen
3.Risk:- Debt or
Loan ( on fixed interest) is most risky and equity share is least risky.
4.Availability of cash:- If enough cash is available,
then debt/loan can be taken, otherwise not.
5.Control Sharing:- If present shareholders do not want to
share their control on company, then only debt capital should be used.
6.Share market condition:-
If share marked is recessed then debt/capital may be used,
if share market is on boom share capital can be used.
Factor :-
Large amount, for investment in fixed assets, is needed
Lesser amount, for investment in, fixed assets is needed
1. Nature of Business (means business is selling
readymade goods of self-made goods.)
If Manufacturing
If Trading Business.
2.Scale of Operation or Production(means quantity
of produced units)
If Higher Production level
If Lower Production level
3.Technology needed (means production is done
mainly by machines or men’s efforts.)
If Mechanical
If Mannual
4.Growth Possibility(means chances of growth)
If More possibility of growth
If Less possibility of growth.
5.Diversification (means number
of product produced)
If More products
IF Less/one product.
6.Availability of Leasing (means hiring service of
If not available
If available
7.Level of collaboration(means help for fixed
assets availability from other organizations)
If Collaboration or help is not available
If Collaboration or help is available
▼Factors affecting Short-Term Investment decisions
or Factors affecting requirement of Working capital..
Factor :-
Large amount, for investment in, current assets is needed…..
Lesser amount, for investment in, current assets is needed…….
1. Nature of Business
If Manufacturing Business
If Trading Business.
2.Scale of Operation
If Higher Production level
If Lower Production level
3.Seasonal factor
If season is on
If season is off.
4.Production cycle(means time duration of conversion of
raw material.)
If longer
If shorter
5.Credit sale or cash sale
If sale is mainly on credit.
If sale is mainly on cash.
6.Credit purchase of cash purchase
If purchase is mainly on cash.
If purchase is mainly on credit.
7.Level of inflation
If inflation is higher.
If inflation is lower.
8.Level of Competition
If competition is higher.
If competition is lower.
[L] Meaning of Financial Planning:-In coming
future how much finance/funds will be needed and from what source finance
will be obtained.
[M] Importance/Need of Financial Planning:-
1)Timely availability of required finance.
2)Correct selection of source of finance.
3)Achieving financial goals (maximization of market value
of equity shares.)
4)Quick decision making.
5)Reducing financial uncertainties.
6)Ensuring sufficient cash flow(availability)
[N] Meaning of Capital Structure :- Deciding
structure of total capital of business, by dividing in owner’s capital and
borrowed capital.
[O] Determinants of Capital Structure:-
Factor/Determinant ▼
Owner’s capital should be used, if……
Borrowed capital should be used, if…….
1.Cash flow/availability
Cash flow is not good.
Cash flow is good.
2.Cost of debt(Interest rate)
Interest rate is high.
Interest rate is low.
3.Flexibility(means finance can be paid back, when not
Flexibility is not necessary.
Flexibility is necessary.
4. Sharing of Control(voting power)
Yes, ready to share.
Not ready to share
5. Stock market condition is good for issue of new equity
Yes, stock market is in good condition.
No, stock market is not in good condition
6. Interest Coverage Ratio.
If ratio is low.
If ratio is high.
7.Tax Rate.
If rate is lower
If rate is higher
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